Welcome the path to the goal


Welcome to our world of secure IT!

We are IT specialists with many years of experience in various IT areas and place great value on IT security. We protect our systems by using concepts and methods that guarantee the highest level of security. Our expertise includes, among other things, the areas of network security, data security, and IT compliance.

We are proud to constantly educate ourselves and always be up to date with the latest technology. One of our main goals is to significantly reduce our own attack surface. Below you will find an overview of the security measures we use and a brief description of how they work.

Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP):

We give each user only the minimum rights they need to do their job. PoLP ensures that only authorized users can access specific systems, applications, data, and other resources.

Zero Trust Security Architecture:

Verify, don’t trust. Every request requires authentication and is checked as if it came from an insecure network. The Zero Trust approach helps us prevent data leaks and increase the security of a complex network.


Cryptography has always been the basis for secure transmission of information. Cryptographic protocols and encryption methods are used in network communication to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data. We ensure that all data communication is highly secure.

OS and Application Hardening:

To ensure the security of our systems, the default settings of the operating system and applications are adjusted to reduce the attack surface. This means that unnecessary software packages are removed and the default settings are secured to the tightest possible settings. This hardens the system and protects it from attacks.


With this solution, the network is divided into small parts, each with its own security rules. This prevents hackers or malware from moving from one part of our network to another and stealing or damaging data.


Ongoing IT security monitoring is important to detect potential external threats early on. All activities on a computer system are monitored. Based on certain patterns or anomalies, attacks can be detected early and reported. Audit tools help perform automated security checks to determine if our systems comply with applicable security guidelines.

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